TALDICE & EPICA Science Meeting

EPICA meeting

The aims of the EPICA meeting are to show the latest findings from the different groups working on EPICA cores, and to allow EPICA scientists and consortia to meet and discuss future plans. The meeting is informal, in the style of previous EPICA science meetings.
Each consortium leader will be asked to summarise what their consortium has done and planned. The remaining time will be given to short talks, posters and discussion. Only titles and authors are needed; because of time limitations, not all talks can be accepted, but we will notify you whether you have a talk or poster after the registration deadline passes.
Through the Descartes Prize fund, EPICA will be able to pay for dinner on Wednesday 14 and for hotel accommodation on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 nights in the nominated EPICA hotels (Hotel Laurentia, Best Western Hotel Globus). Your institute will have to pay for your travel to and from Rome however, as in previous EPICA science meetings.
The EPICA meeting will start at 9 am on the Wednesday 14 and end in the afternoon of Thursday 15. We thus anticipate that those not already in Rome would arrive on the evening of Tuesday 13 and leave on the evening of Thursday 15.
The EuroPICS Steering Committee will meet at 6.15 pm on Tuesday 13, so SC members should arrive in time for that.