Nation |
National representatives |
Address |
Massimo Frezzotti Università degli Studi "Roma Tre" Dipartimento di Scienze, Sezione di Scienze Geologiche |
Largo S. Leonardo Murialdo, 1 00146 Roma, ITALY massimo.frezzotti[at] |
Jerome Chappellaz Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement (LGGE - UMR 5183 CNRS-UJF) |
54 rue Molière - Domaine Universitaire - BP 96 - 38402 St Martin d'Hères Cedex FRANCE jerome[at] |
Sepp Kipfstuhl Alfred Wegener Institute For Polar and Marine Research |
Columbusstrasse D-27568 Bremerhaven GERMANY kipfstuhl[at] |
Thomas Stocker Climate and Environmental Physics Physics Institute, University of Bern |
Sidlerstrasse 5 3012 Bern, SWITZERLAND stocker[at] |
United Kingdom
Robert Mulvaney British Antarctic Survey |
Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 0ET UNITED KINGDOM RMU[at] |
Operation Manager
Nino Cucinotta Consorzio PNRA SCrl |
c/o ENEA Via Anguillarese 301 00123 Roma, ITALY nino.cucinotta[at] |